Yay! It is time to caucus again! In Utah, both the Democrats and Republicans are holding their caucuses Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 7 p.m. Please contact your precinct chair for more information. Below is just some general information for the Republican caucuses and details for the caucuses in my area.
Who? Anyone is welcome to attend and observe. Everyone attending will need to sign-in.
Who can participate (speak, nominate, and vote)?
U.S. Citizens that reside in the precinct, are registered Republican or unaffiliated, and are 18 years old by November 2, 2010. You should also be in general agreement with the party’s principles and platform.
Who is eligible to hold an office or be a delegate (speak, nominate, vote, and run for election)?
U.S. Citizens that reside in the precinct, are registered Republican, and are 18 years old by November 2, 2010. You should also be in general agreement with the party’s principles and platform.
We will be caucusing to elect new precinct officers and delegates. Other items of business include: review the party platform, nominate individuals to serve as election judges, and raise money for the county party (please bring a couple of dollars to donate).
Caucus: a group of people organized around a particular issue, candidate and/or political party.
Precinct: the smallest political subdivision of our state (these boundaries apply to all political parties).
Delegate: a person elected to represent your precinct in county and/or state conventions.
TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2010 At 7 p.m.
Provo Precincts 19, 20, 24 and 31 will caucus at Lakeview Elementary School located at 2899 West 1390 North in Provo.
1) To educate, organize, and mobilize party members at the grass roots level;
2) To elect precinct officers for a two year term; and
3) To elect delegates for a two year term to represent the precinct at the state and county conventions.
Other Details:
What to bring?
- A photo id and current address id (drivers license is best) – these are needed if someone contests your residence, if you are new to the area, or if no one at the caucus can vouch for who you are.
- A writing instrument
- A smile!
What if I am Unaffiliated?
You are welcome to participate in the Republican caucus. However, you cannot run for/or hold an office, nor be a delegate. Also, you will not be able to vote in a Republican Primary Election (June 22, 2010).
What if I am Independent?
This is an actual political party. Unless you reregister the night of the caucus and change your party affiliation, you will not be able to participate in the Republican Caucuses. I have found, from doing high school voter registration drives, that many teenagers think they are unaffiliated when they choose Independent.
Am I registered to vote? What party am I registered under?
You can visit the state website to see if you are registered to vote.
You can contact your precinct chair to see if you are registered and to what party you affiliate.
What if I am not registered to vote or registered to the wrong precinct?
You can register/reregister at the caucus. Rolls have already been printed, so it is best that you register when you show up to the caucus, instead of sending it to the county office. You will need either your driver’s license # or the last 4 digits of your social security # to register. If you are registered to the wrong precinct you will just need to reregister when you arrive. This may happen if you have moved.
Save some time at the caucus and print the registration form and fill it out before you come.
I want to run for office and/or be a delegate. What should I know and do?
- Tell your neighbors to come and vote for you.
- You will have to declare if you support the county party platform, and specifically tell of things you do not support.
- Know that you will be asked things like what you stand for, what current candidates in state and county elections do you like and/or support, and if you have been asked by anyone, including a particular candidate or special interest group, to run.
- Know that you will be available to attend the upcoming conventions and trainings (dates are listed below).
- Know that, if you are elected, your contact information will be made public (with exceptions for law enforcement officials).
Precinct PR20 will be electing the following:
Precinct Chair (automatic state and county delegate)
Precinct Vice Chair (automatic county delegate)
Precinct Secretary
Precinct Committee (3 members)
Election Judges (3)
State Delegate (1)
County Delegates (3)
Now that I’m a Delegate, what should I know and do?
Be sure your contact information is correct. Attend training meetings. Prepare a folder with sections for each race and subsections for each candidate. Prepare for debates, cottage meetings, phone calls, house visits, events, etc. Participate in online discussion groups and emails. Checkout websites, blogs, podcasts, Facebook pages, etc. Build relationships with candidates and other delegates. Communicate what you learn with voters in your precinct. Study the convention agenda, rules, and proposed resolutions and amendments. Attend the convention(s)!
Now that I'm a Chair or Vice Chair, what should I know and do?
Besides the delegate responsibilities you must attend Central Committee Meetings (held at least quarterly), run your caucus, organize party activities such as voter registration, fundraising, campaigning for republican candidates, writing letters to the editor, etc.
Dates of Upcoming Events
Within 2 weeks after Caucus - Training meeting (your district will decide which day)
March – May – Meet the candidate events
April 24 – County Central Committee Meeting & Utah County Republican Party Convention
April 27-29 – Training Meeting (your district will decide which day)
May 8 – State Convention
May 21 – Primary Election mail-in registration deadline
June 7 – Primary Election walk-in voter registration deadline
June 8 – 19 – Primary Election Early Voting
June 22 – Primary Election
August 28 – County Central Committee Meeting
August – BBQ & training
October 4 – General Election mail-in voter registration deadline
October 18 – General Election walk-in voter registration deadline
October 19 – 31 – General Election Early Voting
November 2 – General Election
November 6 – County Central Committee Meeting
Mid-November – Training Meeting (your district will decide which day)
County Central Committee Meetings are also scheduled for January 8, April 23, August 27 and November 5 in 2011 and January 14 & April 28 in 2012
Click here for the County Republican Platform
Voter Information for Provo Precinct 20
# of Registered Voters: 1046
The political party breakdown of the 1046 voters:
523 Republican
426 Unaffiliated
83 Democratic
4 Independent
3 American
3 IND American
2 Socialist Workers
1 Green
1 Natural Law
Please contact your precinct chair, if you have any questions.
Have a great day!